Thursday, December 25, 2008
hey guys. WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS. and hopefully a happy 2009. Al.
8:13 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
hey elmo. nobody's been blogging / visiting this blog for so long. i've came to revive it 'cause i wasn't able to the past few days. i was addicted to audi and i was overseas. yep. and i'm not going to plan the outing 'cause i've got loads to do. like, practice for my upcoming campcraft test, rifle performance choreograph, drums, homework etc etc. and they're killing me. Al.
6:20 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
hey guys. i shall be nice and plan an outing! since richard says they're fun and he wants another outing. and somehow i think bbqs are fun so i'm planning a bbq. but all of you have to bring food to chip in. i'm organising and bringing charcoal and fire starter. okay. which days are you guys not free / overseas please say ah. and tell me what you are going to bring either via msn / tagboard. tq. LEBR Al.
8:26 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
ok i feel darn bad for all those super short and suan-ish posts. but c'mon. this ain't my blog leh :X its also everyone else de. can we have an outing? its been a long time since i've been to one. like, last week or 2nd last week of hols? pleeease. somebody plan one. ok i admit, i'm an ass. i've been asking y'all to post and plan outings but all i've done is suan y'all on the blog and pangseh y'all during the last outing. yay, i'm officially a sucker. woohoo. LEBR < the official sucker.
10:05 PM
hello? anybody? rawr. why isn't anyone tagging / blogging. that's a sad thing. and pn promised me to blog often. im a shi-bai-LEBR! ): LEBR
9:36 PM